Sunday, May 1, 2011

And a bunch of other stuff...

I thought I'd throw in a couple of random shots and experiences we've had over the past month or two, just so you can see what it's REALLY like around our house...

For the past month Leah has been attending preschool at Sister Brown's house. I found out about it from one of the other moms who talked to Sister Brown and got her "in". Leah was only able to attend the last few classes but she LOVED it. Sis Brown wanted to do preschool for her granddaughter but said her granddaughter showed up the first day and said "Where are all the other kids?" so Sister Brown invited more kids to participate. She didn't charge anything and she went ALL OUT on her lessons. Leah came home with homemade butterfly wings, treats, crafts, balloons, and more. I walked in to pick her up and they had real live chicks in the living room! Leah loves Sister Brown. It was her turn to say prayer and she said, "And bless that Sister Brown is so cool..." and sometimes, out of the blue, she'll say something like, "Sister Brown is one of my favorite people..." Oh, and Leah loved preschool, too!

This is her graduation certificate:

The other day Abby comes into the bedroom and says, "Look, Mom! I'm a dragon!" I actually look at her and this is what I saw. Leah had taken a pen and drawn fireballs all over Abby's face. Of course, I ask "Why did you do that?" And of course, Leah responds, "I don't know" which was the same response I got when I asked Leah why she wrote her name on her pillow. I think it's funny how impulsive kids are. I honestly believe that they DON'T know why they do things like that; they just do!

Leah was trying to get her sweatshirt and T-shirt off of her big head but this is as far as she got. She was being all sorts of silly, striking poses and giggling at her new "ears".

This was one of my favorite random moments. I walked into the kitchen and saw Boba Fett sitting at my kitchen table, getting ready to color a masterpiece. Why? Again, I'm sure the answer would be "I don't know". But I love it!

My kids devour blueberries. I bought a case of 12 clamshells and they ate them within a week. Every time she went to the bathroom Abby would get excited to look at the "blue poo". (Again, the answer is "I don't know".) This is Leah, showing off a blueberry.

Easter Eggs and Mantua

We wanted to do something fun for Easter but Lenny had to work all weekend and I was scheduled to teach Relief Society on Sunday so we couldn't venture far.

I talked to Rachel and we decided to meet halfway for an Easter picnic on Saturday. Unfortunately, the halfway point between our homes is the super small town of Mantua (pronounced man-oo-ay), Utah. We found a park and even picnic tables and let the kids run free! We had a simple sandwich potluck lunch and then Uncle Brian and Lenny took the kids to check out the ducks on the reservoir while Rachel and I hid eggs for the hunt.

It was fun to watch the kids run and scramble for Easter eggs. They all got WAY more candy than they need! After the hunt I told the kids that I had prizes (I had four packages of marshmallow peeps, in each of the four kids' favorite colors.)

I said, "This first prize goes to the person who found the MOST eggs..." Sela said "I found the most eggs!!" But the prize -pink Peeps- actually went to miss Leah!

Next I said, "This next prize goes to the person who used their eyes to spy all of the hidden Easter eggs..." Sela said, "I used my eyes!!!" And the prize -yellow Peeps- went to Sela, since during the hunt she kept asking for help and I said "Use your eyes!!"

Then it was time for the third prize. I said, "This prize is for the person who ran REALLY fast to pick up their Easter eggs..." Abby piped up and said "That's ME!!!" with such confidence that even if it wasn't her I probably would have given it to her anyway. But Abby was right! So she got the prize -some green Peeps.

And last I said, "This prize goes to the person who was so strong to carry a big and heavy Easter basket..." Of course, the blue Peeps went to Baby Graham who had a gigantic bucket he dragged all over the Easter egg field!

We didn't spend much time in Mantua because the weather was cold and we had other places we needed to be but it was worth the drive and worth braving the weather for the kids to spend time with cousins!

I told Leah that we should leave a note for the Easter Bunny to let him know that we got enough candy on Saturday and to please leave something else in their baskets. When the kids woke up they each had a chocolate bunny and some Scripture Scouts CDs in their baskets. They were thrilled! (And I was thrilled that we were keeping our candy damage at a minimum...)

Happy Easter everybody!

Earth Day

What? Sunshine?!? In between the April snow and rain showers we got a little patch of sunshine and the girls and I ventured out to the Earth Day celebration in Logan. We sat in the sun and enjoyed some homemade marshmallows, a small strawberry pie and some delicious chips and salsa. We listened to a percussion ensemble play on garbage cans. We had jumping contests. The kids got to make an art project using rubber stamps shaped like animal tracks. They also got to play with recycled clay and try their hands at the pottery wheel. They LOVED it! I had to drag Leah away so other kids could have a turn. Unfortunately, I forgot to pick up their pottery creations before 5:00 and the clay was recycled. I felt awful! It took the kids a couple of days to remember their pottery but at 5:20 when I found out their projects had been scrapped I was almost in tears. Am I a horrible mom or what?!? Aside from my guilt over the kids' lost art, it was a very pleasant afternoon.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hair Cuts

I got Tangled for one of my birthday presents and the girls have been watching it. I thought that it would make them want to have looooong blonde hair, just like Rapunzel. That's why I was surprised when Leah came to me and said "I want my hair cut short". As much as I loved her long locks I figured it was better for Leah to feel like she has some control over her appearance. (Especially since 5-year-olds don't have control over much!) So I called and scheduled the haircut appointment.

Over the next couple of days I caught Leah looking at herself in the mirror, tilting her head to one side and imagining how she would look with her hair chopped.

Last Monday was the day. A girl in our ward cuts hair and I took the girls to her house. Leah was VERY quiet and seemed nervous but she insisted that she wanted her hair cut. So Jessica cut it. A LOT. When Leah hopped down from the chair she looked in the mirror and suddenly her face lit up. She became animated and talkative and said that she *LOVES* her hair! I have to agree. It is a very cute look for her.

Abby also got her hair cut but this wasn't her first time having it hacked. She behaved beautifully and looks as cute as ever!

I tried taking pictures a couple days after the cuts. Leah was all sorts of smiling and modeling and Abby was goofing off and refusing to look at the camera. Such different personalities! This is my disclaimer: the day was gray and I was trying to take pictures in our basement apartment. The light was lame and I did a crappy job with photoshop. Don't judge! I'm cool.

Just after the haircut. Look how much length was taken!!


And Abby....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dance Recital

Leah and Abby had their first dance recital tonight! They spent the last 6 days being sick and we weren't sure if they were going to be able to attend. But they woke up yesterday feeling better and woke up this morning feeling like dancing!

Take a peek...

A couple months ago we saw a flyer at the library for creative movement classes here in town. I called and got the girls signed up and it has been awesome! The home where they take the classes is just down the street from us and it has been a lifesaver for these wintery days. Leah and Abby had a weekly outlet to run and move and expend some of their energy while they wait for Spring. Unfortunately, the recital marks the end of their classes, as their teacher has already moved and won't be commuting just to teach dance to little girls!

The recital was at their teacher, Breanne's, house. When we arrived, Abby was running around like crazy! She was so excited. A few of the parents and grandparents were sitting around the perimeter of the room waiting for the show to start. Abby spotted an elderly gentleman and ran right over to him, climbed up on his lap, and gave him a big hug! She LOVES Grandpas! (It doesn't matter whose...)

Leah LOVED her new black leotard and her pink sequined skirt. She has been wearing them off-and on since yesterday (when we bought the leotard). We put her hair in curlers a couple of hours before the show and she was beautiful!

Both of the girls performed wonderfully! They have such healthy, strong, capable bodies. It makes me happy to watch them move and learn. I am so proud of them!!!

Pretty Leah

Little Abbers - She thought it was funny to run away when I pointed the camera at her but I was lucky enough to get ONE shot without her noticing...

After-dance Cupcakes!!

Leah, Mom, and Abby eating cupcakes

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pollocks, Pig-Outs, and the Fun Park

What a week! Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Gordon came to visit on Thursday and we had a BLAST! Thursday night Grandma told Leah and Abby that we could do whatever they wanted. We talked about going to a movie and going out to dinner but Leah had her heart set on skating. That's right... skating. We went to the Fun Park around 5:00, thinking we'd skate for a little bit and then go out to dinner. When we got to the park we found out that they were doing some kind of fundraiser and we could do TWO activities + a slice of pizza + a drink for $7. Skating alone would be $6.50. So our plans changed. Sharon, Leah and I tried skating. I think we did two laps total. Leah was slipping and sliding all over and I am SOOO glad Sharon was there to help me hold on to her! It was a fun first for Leah.

After skating we ate pizza and drank root beer (Abby's favorite!).

Then all of us went bowling. That was a blast! Abby won. She beat ALL of us. Quite impressive. After bowling the kids (and grown-ups) were wiped so we headed home.

Friday we drove to Preston to check out the elk at one of the farms up there. Then we ate lunch at LD's Cafe (another first), and Lenny settled in for his afternoon pre-work nap. Grandma, Grandpa, Leah, Abby and I went and saw the Yogi Bear movie. The kids liked it and we were all STUFFED full of popcorn and candy. The rest of the evening was spent reading stories and playing games with Grandma and Grandpa.

Saturday morning Grandma and Grandpa took the girls to McDonald's for breakfast. SWEET! Then we got Lenny out of bed and went to lunch a couple hours later. Leah ordered deep-fried macaroni and cheese bites and they were delicious. Abby ate nothing but french fries and ice cream. A dream come true.

After lunch we said our goodbyes and Grandma and Grandpa headed back to Tropic. It was so nice having them drive all the way up here to spend time with us! They slept on our couches/floor, shared our bathroom, paid for our meals and entertainment, and didn't slow down or complain once.

Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa! We love you!!

Grandma Sharon, Leah, and Me... SKATING!

Leah "skating"

Lately whenever I go to take a picture of Leah she poses like this...

Dad helping Leah get everything just right

Grandma Sharon "looking great" (according to Leah)

Abby loving her root beer

There were some teenagers at the lane next to us who got these silly stick-on moustaches from a vending machine and Leah and Abby just HAD to have some. So, of course, Grandma hooked them up. Look at my silly kids!!

Abby, picking up her fifth spare in a row...

At lunch on Saturday Leah made me take a picture of my Choco Taco
so we can "always remember it."

Abby, Grandpa, Grandma, and Leah

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dance Class

Oh, how I dislike having sick kids! This past week Leah got worse. I thought her sickness was almost over but she ended up with a fever of 104 and a horrible cough. So I took her to the doctor who prescribed some antibiotics (which Leah HATED) and now everybody is doing much better. One of the worst parts about being sick was that the girls had to miss "dance class". A couple weeks ago I signed the girls up for a Creative Movement class to get them out of the house and, as the name implies, try to get them moving (creatively!). They LOVE it! The teacher is great and keeps it really low-key. Here are a couple of pictures the girls brought home with them a few weeks ago:

This is a plie, Abby and Leah style. Leah does it exactly how her teacher told her. She is my little rule-follower. Abby is tense and looks like she's ready to spring. She is a little distrusting and likes to do things her own way and on her own terms. I think they are both so cute!

Hopefully this week they'll be back to health and playing and dance class!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Pictures.... and Boogers

I'm finally "caught up" with our birthday and holiday posts and was wondering what I would post this week. I feel like our lives are generally uneventful and boring. Then a couple days ago, Abby came into my room all decked out in play jewelry, a princess dress, and a funky hat. I started taking pictures and this is what we ended up with:
Pretty girls! This week has been spent trying to get little girls to rest and recover from sickness. Leah was sick last week and now Abby's got it, too. It's like a cold with a mild, off-and-on fever. Oh. And boogers. Lots and lots of boogers.

It's interesting to me how my kids' personalities are manifest in the way they deal with sickness.

Leah gets very calm and resigned. She listens to her body and rests when she feels like she needs it. She lets you comfort and care for her and trusts me when I tell her she needs juice or a bath or medicine.

Abby, on the other hand, gets mad when she's sick. Last night she was up at 3:30 in the morning just screaming. I tried to hold and comfort her and she fought me. I tried calmly asking what was wrong and she just kept on screaming. I asked if I could put a cool washcloth on her forehead and she said yes... and then took it off and threw it. So I left her alone and she tossed and turned and cried and moaned until she was able to put herself to sleep.

That sounds about right.

Luckily, Leah is almost completely over this bug and Abby seems to be doing better today. I'm hopeful that this upcoming week will be sickness-free!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bowling Night

The first week of February the girls and I spent an entire week at Grandma and Grandpa's house. One of the nights we were there Grandpa just mentioned something about going bowling. Leah came running over to me and said, "Can I go bowling with Grandpa? Please?!?" I said, "It's okay with me..." and she took off running to find her shoes and her coat. I looked at Grandpa and said, "Well, now you have to take her..." So Grandpa, Uncle Phill, Leah, Abby and I went bowling (Grandma was teaching Institute that night). We had a no-pun-intended ball! After bowling we finished up with hot fudge sundaes from McDonald's. It was a fun spur-of-the-moment night out!

Leah's jump of excitement after knocking down... five pins?

Leah Loo and Uncle Phill

Grandpa Scot, Abber Dabbers, and moi

Uncle Phill, getting ready to bowl like a monkey

Grandpa, getting ready to outdo Phill's monkey bowling

Abby, being Abby