Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Pictures.... and Boogers

I'm finally "caught up" with our birthday and holiday posts and was wondering what I would post this week. I feel like our lives are generally uneventful and boring. Then a couple days ago, Abby came into my room all decked out in play jewelry, a princess dress, and a funky hat. I started taking pictures and this is what we ended up with:
Pretty girls! This week has been spent trying to get little girls to rest and recover from sickness. Leah was sick last week and now Abby's got it, too. It's like a cold with a mild, off-and-on fever. Oh. And boogers. Lots and lots of boogers.

It's interesting to me how my kids' personalities are manifest in the way they deal with sickness.

Leah gets very calm and resigned. She listens to her body and rests when she feels like she needs it. She lets you comfort and care for her and trusts me when I tell her she needs juice or a bath or medicine.

Abby, on the other hand, gets mad when she's sick. Last night she was up at 3:30 in the morning just screaming. I tried to hold and comfort her and she fought me. I tried calmly asking what was wrong and she just kept on screaming. I asked if I could put a cool washcloth on her forehead and she said yes... and then took it off and threw it. So I left her alone and she tossed and turned and cried and moaned until she was able to put herself to sleep.

That sounds about right.

Luckily, Leah is almost completely over this bug and Abby seems to be doing better today. I'm hopeful that this upcoming week will be sickness-free!

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