Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Abby's Hat

More photos. These are the ones I am using for Abby's birthday invitations. Such a cute girl! She got her first tooth today. Only 1 1/2 weeks before her first birthday!

Leah's Eyes

My daughter, Leah, has the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. They are gray and gold. They are beautiful and I wish they were mine!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My *Other* Blog

I love yard sales.

For the past two summers my sister-in-law, Ash-a-Bash, and I have braved crowds, heat, early mornings, kids in car seats, and Scentsy girl (long story) in order to go yard saleing. Last summer we were both pregnant and some of the sharp, sudden turns and ill-placed cul-de-sacs made us both motion sick. But still we went. This year only Ash is pregnant (heh heh) and there were times we loaded the three kids in the mini van to scour the city for treasures. Pain in the butt? YES. But still we went. We are yard sale fiends! I'm going to miss it. Darn Cedar City weather and changing seasons! Yard sale Saturdays will have to wait until next summer. Or do they?

I started a new blog called Cedar City Yard Sale to help sate my yardsale passion until next saleing season. Basically, this is my attempt at a digital yard sale. Maybe I have something you can't live without. You never know. Give it a look and check back often as I will be constantly adding new stuff over the winter.

And all proceeds will go to help boost next year's yard sale economy.

I can't wait!

Monday, September 1, 2008

When I Grow Up...

When I grow up I want to be a photographer. It's my dream to someday have a fancy pants camera and the knowledge to make magic with it. In the meantime, I'm using a borrowed point-and-shoot and pretending I know how to use Photoshop (only Elements... sigh.)

We took the girls to the nearby college campus for an attempted photo shoot. Here are a few of my fruits. My girls are beautiful!