Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hair Cuts

I got Tangled for one of my birthday presents and the girls have been watching it. I thought that it would make them want to have looooong blonde hair, just like Rapunzel. That's why I was surprised when Leah came to me and said "I want my hair cut short". As much as I loved her long locks I figured it was better for Leah to feel like she has some control over her appearance. (Especially since 5-year-olds don't have control over much!) So I called and scheduled the haircut appointment.

Over the next couple of days I caught Leah looking at herself in the mirror, tilting her head to one side and imagining how she would look with her hair chopped.

Last Monday was the day. A girl in our ward cuts hair and I took the girls to her house. Leah was VERY quiet and seemed nervous but she insisted that she wanted her hair cut. So Jessica cut it. A LOT. When Leah hopped down from the chair she looked in the mirror and suddenly her face lit up. She became animated and talkative and said that she *LOVES* her hair! I have to agree. It is a very cute look for her.

Abby also got her hair cut but this wasn't her first time having it hacked. She behaved beautifully and looks as cute as ever!

I tried taking pictures a couple days after the cuts. Leah was all sorts of smiling and modeling and Abby was goofing off and refusing to look at the camera. Such different personalities! This is my disclaimer: the day was gray and I was trying to take pictures in our basement apartment. The light was lame and I did a crappy job with photoshop. Don't judge! I'm cool.

Just after the haircut. Look how much length was taken!!


And Abby....


Brianne said...

I love the short hair! It's a good look.
And you have to admit that Rapunzel seems happier after she cuts her hair. :)

Faye said...

Too cute!! Leah knew. I think the pictures are great.