Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oceanside, California

In October we took a trip with the Swan Family to Oceanside, California. The weather report promised "sun with 0% chance of precipitation" but it was foggy and cloudy and rainy the entire time we were there. We had a blast anyway. It was fun to spend time with the family and take an actual vacation. We desperately needed it!

Abby on the beach

Leah boogie boarding

Uncle Phill, all decked out for Canadian Thanksgiving

Uncle Brian doing a "beer brat binge". Inspired by the Tim-Tam Slam, the BBB is done by biting the ends of a bratwurst off and attempting to use it as a straw to drink Apple Beer. It didn't work very well and resulted in Brian and Phill ending up with a healthy dose of pure brat grease.

Abby with her Farmers' Market find

Leah discovering birds of paradise

Abby at Sea World. She stood by the Soak Zone sign but refused to sit in that section.

Dad and Leah, IN the Soak Zone!!

The Swan Kids (and kids) living it up

Casual Family Photo

GIANT pizza. We celebrated our last night in Oceanside with gigantic pizza.
And Brian's gigantic head.

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