Take a peek...
A couple months ago we saw a flyer at the library for creative movement classes here in town. I called and got the girls signed up and it has been awesome! The home where they take the classes is just down the street from us and it has been a lifesaver for these wintery days. Leah and Abby had a weekly outlet to run and move and expend some of their energy while they wait for Spring. Unfortunately, the recital marks the end of their classes, as their teacher has already moved and won't be commuting just to teach dance to little girls!
The recital was at their teacher, Breanne's, house. When we arrived, Abby was running around like crazy! She was so excited. A few of the parents and grandparents were sitting around the perimeter of the room waiting for the show to start. Abby spotted an elderly gentleman and ran right over to him, climbed up on his lap, and gave him a big hug! She LOVES Grandpas! (It doesn't matter whose...)
Leah LOVED her new black leotard and her pink sequined skirt. She has been wearing them off-and on since yesterday (when we bought the leotard). We put her hair in curlers a couple of hours before the show and she was beautiful!
Both of the girls performed wonderfully! They have such healthy, strong, capable bodies. It makes me happy to watch them move and learn. I am so proud of them!!!
1 comment:
Those videos have made my entire day! Tell them that they were wonderful!
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