Halloween! One of my FAVORITE holidays. Abby decided she wanted to be Boba Fett. Yeah, my sweet little 3 year old daughter wanted to be the mean bounty hunter from Star Wars. During the weeks preceding Halloween Abby would tell people "I'm going to be Boba Fett. Boba Fett is a bounty hunter. He throws BOMBS!" I took her in to the pediatrician for her 3 year checkup and he got a kick out of her. He said "I was Boba Fett once!" He also said it was the first time he's had a little girl in his office who decided to be Boba Fett. Go figure.
Leah had her heart set on being a spider. I tried to talk her into being Princess Leia because I already had parts of a costume for that AND because I thought it would be fun to have both the kids dressed as Star Wars characters. But she still wanted to be a spider. And she was the cutest spider ever. Her costume was a pain to make but it was worth it, seeing her wave ALL of her legs around!

Leah designed her jack-o-lantern face and Mom helped her carve it. She actually touched the pumpkin guts this year. She giggled and thought it felt weird.

Dad "helping" Abby gut her pumpkin. Abby screamed when Dad touched the innards. She did not want anything to do with it.

Abs with her finished jack-o-lantern

They're all lit up...

Little Boba Fett - Abby wouldn't wear her helmet, not even for pictures. She had been wearing it all over the house BEFORE Halloween but I couldn't get her to put it on. So while we were out trick-or-treating everyone thought Abby was dressed as an army man and they thought she was a boy (because she was wearing a beanie to keep warm).

Leah's amazing spider costume. She wore it proudly!

Halloween is scary! Dad was at work so we were on our own for trick-or-treating. It was raining and looked to get worse so I took the girls over to the Stake Center to crash their trunk-or-treat. After 10 minutes of that and quite a bit of candy, it started raining even harder and Boba Fett had had enough. We came home to trick-or-treat the apartments and when we knocked on the door of Abby's friend, Weston, I asked his mom if Abby could hang out there while I took Leah out for more trick-or-treating. Abby was DONE.

So Leah and I went back out and she was crazy! She walked so far and knocked so many doors. She got so much candy we had to ask for a grocery bag to put some of it in. Her bucket was heavy and we trick-or-treated until way past dark. She said she wanted to trick-or-treat ALL NIGHT but I talked her into going home around the time that I had to start piggy-backing her, all of her spider legs, and her big bucket of candy.
It was an awesome Halloween night. The only thing that would have made it better is if Dad would have been able to enjoy it with us!
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