Let me just say that if you're one of those people who actually put interesting text on your blog, I totally admire you. By the time I get photos on there I feel like I've got nothin' left to say.
The first two of these photos were taken by Lenny, I believe with his cell phone (correct me if I'm wrong). I came home from work and saw some pink frosting smeared on the counter and a couple of half eaten cupcakes and empty wrappers left on the plate. Leah informed me that Abby ate the cupcakes and then Lenny showed me this picture. There is no doubt in my mind who is the culprit.

My beautiful Leah

Abby was in playing her computer games and when Lenny came into the bedroom to check on her THIS is what he found. If you know Abby, you know how uncharacteristic it is of her to stop for anything, especially sleep. That's why this picture cracks me up so much. She was using headphones (her latest thing) so she planned ahead enough to take off the headphones, swivel the chair, and lay her head down on the desk. This picture STILL makes me laugh!
Okay, so that's what we've been up to for the past month. How about you?!?
I saw that first picture of Abby and the caption that came to mind was "Why so serious?"
Freaky, I know.
Just saw your blog from facebook. Now I totally feel updated on your life! It's funny/weird to see your brothers all grown up. I guess it happens:) Looks like life is going well for you guys. Hope you don't mind me checking out your blog:) Take care!
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