Sela is THREE! I know, this doesn't have much to do with MY kids and such but I'm trying to update the blog for my missionary brother and figured he might care what his niece is up to. Sela had a China-themed birthday party. It was awesome! They played "pin the party hat on the panda", made paper lanterns, practiced proper chopstick use, and animated a parade dragon. My sister-in-law plans awesome parties!

Sela is THREE.

Pin the Party Hat on the Panda

Uncle Brian and Baby Graham



My daughter's freakishly long tongue (and cupcake)...

Sela's new super-swank sunglasses

THE Parade Dragon
(Notice Abby in the BACK. She always has to be doing her own thing!)

This was one of my favorite parts of the day. Brian and Rachel were sitting on the couch, doing their own thing and Sela was playing next to me on the floor. I took something out to the garbage (about 8 feet from where I was sitting) and when I got back in the house THIS was what Sela looked like. She was covered in little pieces of styrofoam. I just busted up and tried to get Rachel's attention. Rachel took one look at Sela and SHE started laughing. Sela, however, did NOT think it was funny. She was almost panicky because those little white bits were stuck and were not coming off! Rachel told her to try jumping to get them off which was even funnier. When asked what happened, Sela demonstrated that she had taken a piece of styrofoam from one of her presents and scratched it. I was just amazed that it happened in a matter of SECONDS. Anyhow. It was a fun day.