Saturday, April 17, 2010

Glimpse of our Days

Let me just say that if you're one of those people who actually put interesting text on your blog, I totally admire you. By the time I get photos on there I feel like I've got nothin' left to say.

The first two of these photos were taken by Lenny, I believe with his cell phone (correct me if I'm wrong). I came home from work and saw some pink frosting smeared on the counter and a couple of half eaten cupcakes and empty wrappers left on the plate. Leah informed me that Abby ate the cupcakes and then Lenny showed me this picture. There is no doubt in my mind who is the culprit.

My beautiful Leah

Abby was in playing her computer games and when Lenny came into the bedroom to check on her THIS is what he found. If you know Abby, you know how uncharacteristic it is of her to stop for anything, especially sleep. That's why this picture cracks me up so much. She was using headphones (her latest thing) so she planned ahead enough to take off the headphones, swivel the chair, and lay her head down on the desk. This picture STILL makes me laugh!

Okay, so that's what we've been up to for the past month. How about you?!?

Easter 2010

After Sela's birthday party, we loaded up the van and hauled everybody to Mapleton to stay at Grandma's for the night. Lenny had to work so it was just the girls and me along with Brian and Rachel's family. It was good though. Saturday afternoon we had a little Easter egg hunt for the kids. It was cold and windy but they seemed to enjoy it anyway.

Lined up and ready for the hunt

Sela went down just steps from the starting line

Abby's quickly filling basket

Leah, trying to find more eggs. Notice she picked her OWN outfit. A couple different shades of pink. Striped stretchy pants. A frilly skirt... Pink is pink, I suppose.

Grandpa helping Abby get eggs out of a tree

Abby's basket

Abby found a golden egg and went to Grandma to exchange it for a prize: MORE Pokemon!

Sela with a mouthful of orange Tootsie Roll

Cousin Sela's Birthday

Sela is THREE! I know, this doesn't have much to do with MY kids and such but I'm trying to update the blog for my missionary brother and figured he might care what his niece is up to. Sela had a China-themed birthday party. It was awesome! They played "pin the party hat on the panda", made paper lanterns, practiced proper chopstick use, and animated a parade dragon. My sister-in-law plans awesome parties!

Sela is THREE.

Pin the Party Hat on the Panda

Uncle Brian and Baby Graham



My daughter's freakishly long tongue (and cupcake)...

Sela's new super-swank sunglasses

THE Parade Dragon
(Notice Abby in the BACK. She always has to be doing her own thing!)

This was one of my favorite parts of the day. Brian and Rachel were sitting on the couch, doing their own thing and Sela was playing next to me on the floor. I took something out to the garbage (about 8 feet from where I was sitting) and when I got back in the house THIS was what Sela looked like. She was covered in little pieces of styrofoam. I just busted up and tried to get Rachel's attention. Rachel took one look at Sela and SHE started laughing. Sela, however, did NOT think it was funny. She was almost panicky because those little white bits were stuck and were not coming off! Rachel told her to try jumping to get them off which was even funnier. When asked what happened, Sela demonstrated that she had taken a piece of styrofoam from one of her presents and scratched it. I was just amazed that it happened in a matter of SECONDS. Anyhow. It was a fun day.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Arches 2010

Grandma is nifty! Or a word that RHYMES with it.... or BOTH! Whatever the case may be, we celebrated Grandma Edie's birthday with a family trip to Moab. We had a blast! We missed Aunt Kelli and I don't really have any pictures of Aunt Rachel (or at least not ones she'd be okay with me posting on a public blog) but other than that, things were just about perfect! Lenny and Matt had to leave Saturday morning but the rest of us stayed an extra night and got in a little extra play time. We packed kids through the fiery furnace, strolled Main Street, rolled around in the sand, had a long jump competition, and swam in the pool. Good times.
And I need to make an apology to Elder Uncle Phill. I promised him I would update the blog about a month ago so he could see pics from the trip and I hadn't done it yet. So here it finally is!
P.S. I give up on trying to adjust the order of photos on Blogger. It's kicking my butt and I'd rather be watching Ugly Betty. So mentally put them in an order that works for you...