Only in Cedar City can the annual herding of sheep down Main Street be called a parade and the activities surrounding it become a festival. I'm not sure what the real title of the festival is but all day Leah has been calling it "The Sheep Parade". Lenny was on a campout with the scouts so I loaded up the monstrous double stroller and took the girls to watch the parade. They loved it! Both of them laughed and squealed and giggled for the whole 2 minutes the sheep were in view. I was disappointed Lenny wasn't there to see it. And I could have used the extra hands. I couldn't work the camera, the camcorder and hold/keep track of the kids. So Abby spent most of her time in the stroller (which made for boring, shadowy pictures) and Leah got sick of me hollering at her to "Get back here right now!" It was my first sheep parade and I actually enjoyed it. It was amusing to me; trucks and trailers and kids throwing wool into the street and, the big finale.... sheep! It really is "Festival City."
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